Here are photos from the event. When you finish viewing these, click here for the "red carpet" photos taken for Link's 50th Anniversary at A taste of Newark.

1 crowd 000
2 crowd 00
3 R Applebees
4 crowd 1
6 crowd 2
7 appetizers 2
8 ambassadors on red carpet
9 R Ironbound Hard Cider
10 crowd 3
11 R Marcus B&P
12 ambassadors
13 appetizers 3
14 crowd 4
15 R O' La La Empanadas
16 appetizers 5
17 Auction 1
18 Auction 2
19 R PJ Ryans TAJ Lounge
20 crowd 5
21 crowd 15
21 R South Beach Bar & Grill
22 Auction 3
23 appetizers 8
24 crowd 6
25 R The Green Chicpea
27 crowd 7
29 R The Joiful Kitchen
30 appetizers 9
31 Auction 6
32 Auction 7
33 crowd 8
34 crowd 9
35 Auction 8
36 Auction 9
37 crowd 12
38 Auction 10
39 Auction 12
40 crowd 13
41 Auction 15
43 crowd 16
44 crowd 18
46 crowd 21
47 crowd 22
48 crowd14
49 crows 17
50 Drummers 1
51 drummers 2
52 drummers 3
53 drummers 5
54 Sue
55 Sue 2
56 Sue and Maria
57 dinner crowd listenng to mpp
57a toast alumni
58 Maria making the toast
59 toast 1
60 toast 3
61 toast
62 dinner 1
64 dinner 3
65 table 3
66 table 4
67 table 5
68 dancers 0
69 dancers 1
70 dancers 2
71 dancers 3
72 dinner 8
73 dinner 10
74 dinner
75 dancers 4
76 dancers 5
77 dancers 6
78 table 6
79 table 7
80 Dave Ferry 1
81 Dave Ferry 2
82 dinner table 1
83 table 8
84 khalid 0
85 Khalid 1a
86 khalid 2
87 Khalid 4
88 Khalid 5
89 Khalis3
90 dinner table 2
91 dinner table 4
92 table 9
94 End slide