New Jersey unveiled its 2022-23 school year budget projections in March. While many traditional district schools serving families in need will see increases in funding, Link Community Charter School’s (LCCS) public funding remains flat due to the state and local funding formula that is in place. Link Education Partners (LEP) applauds the state for identifying areas of need across the state, but is disappointed that public charter schools such as LCCS will not receive increases given the greater need for services and rising costs. LCCS and LEP collaborate to generate the strongest educational program for Link scholars. Together, they are responsible stewards of public and private funding as they stretch dollars to meet the needs of children while consistently delivering excellent results. As a growing school, LCCS must, however, rely on generous philanthropic support from LEP to sustain its hallmark programs that drive strong student outcomes. The New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association reports that on average charter schools receive $4,600 less per student when compared to traditional district schools.
Please consider writing to your elected officials and advocating for equitable school funding in New Jersey and making a gift before the close of the fiscal year on June 30th to bridge the gap between public funding and the real cost of a Link education. You can make a safe, secure gift through our website, or mail a check payable to “Link Education Partners” at 23 Pennsylvania Avenue, Newark, NJ 07114. If you would like to donate stock, please contact Jennifer Dorsey at