It is acommunity of generous individuals, foundations, corporations, religious congregations, non-profit and civic organizations that breathes life to our mission at Link Community Charter School. Without this wonderful and diverse array of funding sources, that provide both general operating and restricted funds, Link would not be in a position to celebrate 50 years of educating Newark-area youth.It is truly an honor to see, even in the midst of such challenging economic times, the incredible passion and commitment exhibited by our supporters. Just as we have not relaxed in our fervor to provide the best educational experience yielding outstanding results, those that make our work possible have not relaxed their support. And, we are most grateful. Led by a remarkable team of Trustees, Link Community Charter School continues to thrive and our students continue to benefit from a powerful learning community that nurtures their minds, bodies and spirits. This rich community exists on a firm commitment to core values and academic excellence. Our donors give of their time, talent and treasure in extraordinary ways so that Link students can gain the personal values and character, the knowledge and skills to reach their potential. The gifts made to Link bestow great promise for our children, our city, and our greater community. If you are visiting our site for the first time, please take a few minutes to explore all that makes up the special experience that is Link Community Charter School. I thank you for examining our mission and our work and hope you will consider joining us as a donor or a volunteer.If you have supported us in the past and are curious what’s new at Link, I thank you for sharing of yourself and for continuing to be interested in our development and needs. I hope you feel the impact of your contributions in the successes of each student and the growth of the school. Our trustees and I would be pleased to show you all that is made possible by the gifts, large and small, of so many generous people. Please visit our site periodically and consider a trip to Newark to see us firsthand. Your support, both ongoing and new, is truly an investment in the hope for tomorrow—our children that yields great dividends for us all.
 Sincerely, Maria Pilar Paradiso Executive Director, Link Education Partners