The power of women is visible in the very fabric of Link.
Over the years, women have made significant contributions to Link. Beginning in 1969 with The Sisters of St. Dominic, a bold and innovative group of women who founded a very unique school for Newark’s children in the midst oft the civil unrest that tore through Newark in 1967. In doing so, these women brought to life a mission that took root as Project Link and the grew into Link Community School. In 2014 the school transitioned from a selective independent school to an open admission public charter school governed by a public school board, and began expansion to add more students and more grades. At the same time, the organization that existed since 1969 transitioned to become Link Education Partners, a public charity organization delivering programming at Link Community Charter School.
Other women have volunteered at or partnered with Link – and many continue to do so, from the Junior League that created the school’s first library on Irvine Turner Boulevard, to the many female trustees who have provided invaluable guidance, to the professional women who have come to tutor, mentor, speak for Career Day or student lunch groups – all sharing their journeys, hoping to improve lives and serving as role models for our young scholars.
Link Education Partners provides opportunities for volunteer involvement as it recognizes and responds to the significant academic and social needs of our young urban students. Calling upon the breadth of skills and experience in our dedicated female volunteers, the Link Women’s Committee formed in 2015 to sustain Link’s ability to go above and beyond in order to educate the whole child. The Committee is devoted to ensuring that the school’s founding mission–“to develop the mind, body, and spirit” of its students–is fully realized by expanding Link Education Partners’ network of volunteers, community partnerships and funding relationships that connect students to experiential learning opportunities, immersion in the arts and 21st century-skills. By providing these opportunities alongside a strong curriculum, students will continue to be competitive, well-rounded and successful in high school and beyond.
To join Link's Women's Committee, please contact us at 973.642.5343 or
The Link Women’s Committee Members
Adriana Dunn, Ph.D.
Laura Palmer, Ph.D., M.S.C.P., A.B.P.P. & Adriana Dunn, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., Associates
Mary Beth Eliades
Community Volunteer
Tamara Fleming
Tamara Fleming Photography
Christine Gilfillan
President, The MCJ Amelior Foundation
Linda Krasnoo
Resident Life Assistant, The Hun School of Princeton
Nancy Laracy
Author, Community Advocate, National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, Northeast Bunnies in Baskets
Martha MacCallum
News Anchor, Fox News Channel
Gloria McDonald
The American Conference on Diversity
Lynne Pagano
Community Volunteer
Maria Pilar Paradiso
Executive Director, Link Education Partners
Da'Cherary Thomas-Ruth '06
Teacher and Asst. Dean of Students, Link Community Charter School
Vivian Scott-Chew
Chew Entertainment, TimeZone International
Grace Stephenson
Retired Educator
Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P.
Sisters of St. Dominic, Caldwell
Sr. Eleanor Uhl, O.P.
Sisters of St. Dominic, Caldwell
Janet Wang
Sr. VP, Head of Insurance & Agency Human Resources
and Head of Talent Acquisition, New York Life Insurance
Natalie Webb
Communications Consultant